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BLOG:  Can You Have it All?

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Do you believe you can have it all in your intimate relationships?


It's the love month and even though we know intuitively that love is not something that is just celebrated on Valentine's Day we sometimes take our loved ones and ourselves for granted. We may go big on sentimental holidays and assume that's good enough. We may not be happy with our relationships yet we figure we'll have time to figure things out and get it right one day. 


Or maybe we haven't given much thought to what we want for ourselves when it comes to our intimate relationships. Perhaps our relationships are on auto-pilot and things are pretty much the same from year to year.


For a moment, let's imagine this...what if we could 'have it all' in a loving relationship-what would that look like?


Another way of saying this is what do we want more of and what would we like less of in our current relationship? If you are single you can still do this imagining excercise.


We will not get to imagining and then believing we can have it all if we are not clear from the start what we would love.


We can get tripped up here because we may be focused on what others think would be good for us or what we feel we deserve or can have. These beliefs are based on what we've done before and are often limiting. (I've not had great relationships, I attract the wrong partner, maybe being single is my destiny, etc...)


So for a moment, close your eyes and take some deep breaths and picture your perfect relationship. Allow yourself to dream BIG!

Giving ourselves permission to dream beyond our current reality may seem foreign yet it can lead us to living a life we absolutely LOVE. Imagine where these thoughts could take us! 


Here are some preliminary steps to start the journey:


  • Pay attention and honor your discontent...

Discontent is an important signal from our soul that something bigger is seeking to emerge through us if we are willing to listen. Give youself permission to enter and explore the realm of your deep desires. Harness the discontent by letting your desire begin to live in your mind and heart as a true possibility. As Napolean Hill said in his classic 'Think & Grow Rich', "If you can conceive it and believe it you can achieve it."


  • Practice and repeat 'up until now' in order to keep thoughts of past experiences from limiting your future.


If we do what we've always done we will get the results we've always gotten-guaranteed! Listen then pause... we pause for a moment when we hear that old chatter that dictates every reason for not taking a risk for something greater we desire. All of our experiences and disapointments are in the past-we can shrug them off. Our history does not determine our destiny unless we agree with it. We can say, 'up until now I was afraid to ask my partner for what I truly want or 'up until now I attracted unavailable partners... today I am changing that!' 


We can have it all if we are clear on what we desire! Happy Love month...


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