How limiting beliefs impact and interfere with success
Limiting beliefs are thoughts or attitudes that we may consciously or unconsciously hold onto that limit our partnership, our business and us. These beliefs often prevent our natural growth from moving more smoothly and progressively. We may not even be aware that such an idea is a belief, let alone a limiting belief. We just assimilate these ideas into our existence and it simply becomes the way we see the world and ourselves. These beliefs are usually intact by the time we are seven years old.
In order to be more aware of our subconscious thinking we have to know which beliefs are limiting our lives. Even if your life is good right now and your business is doing well, there is so much more that awaits you as you become more aware of your thinking.
This process can take hours or even weeks of reflection. Take your time and be curious to investigate your past. It provides information about attitudes and beliefs that you may or may not continue to hold today. Positive, as well as negative memories are equally as significant.
Here are some examples of limiting beliefs. Check the ones that resonate with you.
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Almost all of us, at one time or another, desire more in our lives. We want to experience life to the fullest doing what is meaningful and fun for us. Yet often the inner saboteur makes this challenging to say the least.
We are not necessarily talking about more material things…we often have seen how they can bog us down and too much of a good thing becomes clutter. Clutter can hold us back from our greatest good and can cause fuzzy thinking and indecision.
Recently I spent a good hour organizing and throwing things away and I can see my desk again! When it was cluttered not only was it difficult to find things, I also felt scattered and was unproductive as I shuffled papers and piles. Some of you can relate…you know the drill.
What happens when our brain feels scattered and unproductive? Generally-not too much. We have thoughts and repeat actions that do not get us the results we may want. We may not even know what we want yet there will often be a feeling of discontent or frustration... like when I was shuffling papers and moving things from one pile to the next yet not really completing anything.
How do you change those patterns of thoughts and actions that lead you down the spiral ladder leaving you depleted of energy and desire?
There are many ways to work with those negative patterns. Some people choose yoga, meditation, being in nature, NLP, MindPT and the list goes on. The more important thing to understand here is that there is no one way to do this, yet there is a process we can start with. It is simple to explain and more complex to carry out.
Awareness: Being aware of the pattern and that we need to change something in our lives is the starting point because we have to bring this awareness to our conscious mind. Often it will lie dormant in our subconscious mind. It frequently shows up as longings or discontent. So, pay attention to this much like you would when a safety light on your car’s dashboard pops on.
Desire to Change: Without desire, we rationalize that it’s OK or that we’re being “greedy” to want more, or some other limiting belief keeping us where we’ve always been or giving us one notch up yet not the full desired results.
Decision (Committed): This is where we stop with the excuses and put our stake in the ground and say “I am doing this and will make it happen”. We usually have no idea or just a vague idea of how to make it happen at this stage.
Take Action: Without doing something and taking a next step we have gotten ourselves inspired for more yet nothing else.
P.S. If you would like more support in applying these principles, give us a call. In between our speaking and coaching engagements, we carve out a few individualized sessions each month. Schedule your appointment here.
To Focus,