How limiting beliefs impact and interfere with success
Limiting beliefs are thoughts or attitudes that we may consciously or unconsciously hold onto that limit our partnership, our business and us. These beliefs often prevent our natural growth from moving more smoothly and progressively. We may not even be aware that such an idea is a belief, let alone a limiting belief. We just assimilate these ideas into our existence and it simply becomes the way we see the world and ourselves. These beliefs are usually intact by the time we are seven years old.
In order to be more aware of our subconscious thinking we have to know which beliefs are limiting our lives. Even if your life is good right now and your business is doing well, there is so much more that awaits you as you become more aware of your thinking.
This process can take hours or even weeks of reflection. Take your time and be curious to investigate your past. It provides information about attitudes and beliefs that you may or may not continue to hold today. Positive, as well as negative memories are equally as significant.
Here are some examples of limiting beliefs. Check the ones that resonate with you.
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Yes, we have credentials and professional experience, yet we also have experienced challenges and frustrations just like most couples. We have created our programs based on this because we understand first-hand the joys and challenges of relationships when they are working well and when they are not. We’ve also collaborated on business events, workshops and webinars and understand the high and low points.
Our relationship journey started in 1980 when we first met and then a few years later married. We thought we’d create a fabulous, supportive and unique union. We had good communication skills, were well educated in complementary careers and wanted something different than our parents’ marriages. What we created unwittingly for over a decade was an ordinary relationship with challenges, power struggles and frequent thoughts of leaving the marriage. Some of the same things we saw in our own families were being re-created in our marriage. We made some changes and things improved a little as we began creating a more conscious marriage. Yet, we both knew it could even be better with more passion, more purpose and more FUN!
Things shifted dramatically when Valerie made some huge decisions and changes in her life spiritually, mentally and professionally. “I left a three decade career as a social worker that I no longer loved and felt “stuck in” to become a coach/consultant. In the process, I began examining my thinking about all aspects of my life, including my relationship”. I worked with some of the top experts in the personal development field during this time and got support and mentoring.
Michael was also on a similar path in his own career as a psychotherapist. “I began studying about stress and realized that I wanted to understand more about how my mind worked and more about self healing. I started studying under Dr. Joe Dispenza and began a meditation practice that went much deeper than what I had done previously with Transcendental Meditation. I also continued to increase my knowledge and skills as a psychotherapist taking advanced courses with top leaders in the relationship realm. I was committed to being the best partner I could be."
This changed our marriage as we made a decision to really look at what wasn’t working and got clear on what we wanted instead. We spent many years exploring individually and then as a couple, tweaking and releasing what no longer served or empowered our relationship. There were many times when one or both of us could have “thrown in the towel.” It was not always fun or easy. It was through this exploration and a mutual desire to co-create something much better, that we began to make sense of our differences, challenging many of our out-dated, disempowering beliefs. Things began to improve and change rapidly once we both were on board.
Through our own struggles and ultimate breakthroughs in our marriage, we have a passion and commitment to support couples in their journey whether you work together or not because we know how being unhappy in your relationship can effect everything else. In making sense of your differences we know couples can experience greater personal and professional success.
Yours in Relationship Success,
~Valerie & Michael