How limiting beliefs impact and interfere with success
Limiting beliefs are thoughts or attitudes that we may consciously or unconsciously hold onto that limit our partnership, our business and us. These beliefs often prevent our natural growth from moving more smoothly and progressively. We may not even be aware that such an idea is a belief, let alone a limiting belief. We just assimilate these ideas into our existence and it simply becomes the way we see the world and ourselves. These beliefs are usually intact by the time we are seven years old.
In order to be more aware of our subconscious thinking we have to know which beliefs are limiting our lives. Even if your life is good right now and your business is doing well, there is so much more that awaits you as you become more aware of your thinking.
This process can take hours or even weeks of reflection. Take your time and be curious to investigate your past. It provides information about attitudes and beliefs that you may or may not continue to hold today. Positive, as well as negative memories are equally as significant.
Here are some examples of limiting beliefs. Check the ones that resonate with you.
Have questions or feeling unsure? Click the blue heart to schedule a COMPLIMENTARY 45-minute Needs Discovery Session.
We appreciate all feedback. Please share your thoughts here. We would love to hear from you.

The support and skills I learned in your program are priceless.
The Last time I wrote you I was attending a two year Holistic Nutrition School program -I did this while continuing to work full time as the Finance Director for the City of Sandpoint. I completed the 2 yr. program and in September 2014 I received my Certification in Holistic Nutrition. My intent was to retire in Jan 2016 and open up a Holistic Nutrition Practice. I am now in practice and January 2016 is just around the corner. You told us to keep our mind open to the possibility and opportunity will show itself.
The support and skills I learned in your program are priceless.
I know this is a long letter but I wanted you to know I am still reaping the benefits of working with you…I am excited about this journey...past and present. Without you, I would not have stepped out of my box 5 years ago, nor thought of the possibilities.
Thank you! (seems so small to say)
~Shannon Syth-Holistic Nutrition Practitioner

Valerie and Michael are consummate professionals.
Their unique blend of business and personal relationship coaching skills helped us tackle negative patterns that stemmed from 20 years of self-employment. Thank you Valerie and Michael!
~Rob & Tina Moorman, Moorman Photographics

Our experience in this couples workshop was FABULOUS! We were able to take away some ideas to implement right away -
Facing each other and giving the criticisms in a positive way to prevent the Sharp Knife! We will forever thank Michael & Valerie for this WONDERFUL experience!
~Les & April Saland, AL Saland Insurance

Val and I want to thank you for a wonderful experience we shared at your workshop.
Thank you Michael and Valerie for the great seminar and your experiences, knowledge and expertise of such an important topic.
~David & Val Bates, Real Estate Agents
Courageous Loving Experience Workshop for couples was an amazing experience for me.
For me this day was about learning to become a better partner by becoming a better me. The hand on my heart exercise is something Paul and I agree we shall do at home. Just listening to the others was helpful on not feeling alone. Michael & Valerie thank you.
~Kay McKenzie, Search First Services
Since then, I’ve had many quantum leaps in my thinking and my results. The one that has had the biggest and most dramatic impact is in my growing self-confidence. I was able to let go of the job I no longer loved and am starting a business I’m passionate about.
Valerie’s programs taught me how to do that. They are structured, inspirational and kept me on task. Working in both her group and individual programs was the key to my success.
Thank you, Valerie!
~Nancy Ferre, Biofeedback Specialist
Through working with Valerie, not only have I achieved greater work/life balance, but I've also achieved better health, a better relationship with my husband and more fun in my life!
I worked with Valerie through the Life Mastery Course with a primary goal in mind: achieving better work/life balance. She kindly challenged my belief that I need to work “hard” to be successful and helped me create a clear written vision of the life I want that includes less time at work, more time with family. I have learned that life isn’t happening to me; it’s happening through me. My daily decisions affect my outcomes, and when I make choices that are consistent with my vision, my life mirrors my vision.
It’s a work in progress, and with Valerie’s help I am progressing in a positive forward motion and have the tools to continue to do so.
~Jeri Self-Merritt, J.D., CPA
Dream Building and Advanced Dream Building came to me at the exact time I was in need of its benefits.
This past year has been a transitional one for me, to say the least. Valerie guided me in creating a vision for my future and the steps required for obtaining my dreams. This was accomplished in a fun and inspiring way as I looked forward to our conference calls each and every week. It is clear to me that this needs to be a lifestyle change, not something to forget about and put away in the closet once you complete the program. I am now well on my way to reaching my dreams and enjoying the journey, in a way that would not have been possible, without this experience. Thank you Valerie for your insightful guidance!
~Donald Frederick, T.A.P.S Peer Mentor
I love the combination of softness, insight and directness that Valerie brings to a coaching conversation.
With those blended together, I was able to look at myself critically and do the inner work I needed to take my own business forward.
Valerie’s got an incredible command of how the mind works, which helped me winnow down to some problem areas. She deftly guided me to some invaluable discoveries both for my work and my life. Plus, I had a great time doing it!
~Pattie Craumer, Coach and Business Strategist
The Courageous Loving program provided new tools that has helped us consciously create the space for deeper and greater communication in our relationship.
The energy we put forth truly emanates from a much deeper sense of love and respect, not just for the relationship but for one another as individuals. To choose a conscious, loving, and healthy partnership/marriage based in truth, honor, respect, and love is a fantastic journey!
Thank you Michael and Valerie for the gifts you have shared with us.
~Melinda Kudronowicz
Thank you for your life-changing course I attended with my partner!
I had come through a pretty tough time in my life, feeling drained, beaten-down, betrayed and had lost sight of my role in living.
I have had so many amazing experiences, ones that I would have never had, if not for your program.
The tools you provided me are put to use whether I feel compelled to or not. I use them because I have experienced their value -I lean on them – Leaving that one little spot open for possibilities, recognizing coincidences as opportunities, quieting negative thoughts, righting my actions as they occur rather than regretting later, incorporating gratefulness into everyday…
You have inspired me to live my life – not anyone else’s life or a life I am afraid to live or think I don’t deserve. I want to thank you, Valerie for your gift and choosing to share it with me.
~Shannon Syth, City Finance Director
Since working with Valerie I have doubled my income, understanding that making money is about sharing my gifts with the world.
​Valerie has taught me that I don't need to evolve towards success at the pace of a turtle. Just the “thought” that I must evolve slowly, is a “paradigm” worth shifting. Since working with Valerie I have doubled my income,understanding that making money is about sharing my gifts with the world. I have been opened up to my limiting thoughts and beliefs about myself and I am so grateful to have a mentor who can show me how to recognize these paradigms so I can say, “goodbye” one at a time. Having a mentor and teacher guiding me in my own realizations is liberating.
Valerie can see the either/or thinking in my mind and reminds me in every session that I must change my thinking if I want results in my life that match my vision.Her coaching reminds me of what I learned in gymnastics as a youth. Practice makes perfect. She has taught me the practice of being aware of my thoughts and how that leads to knowing that thoughts influence my life positively and negatively.
My experience with Valerie has opened my mind to greater thinking, greater awareness and a balance in my life I did not have before. This is and will continue to be and extraordinary experience for me…
~Rebecca Dragseth, LMP, Owner Therapeutic Connections School of Massage