How limiting beliefs impact and interfere with success
Limiting beliefs are thoughts or attitudes that we may consciously or unconsciously hold onto that limit our partnership, our business and us. These beliefs often prevent our natural growth from moving more smoothly and progressively. We may not even be aware that such an idea is a belief, let alone a limiting belief. We just assimilate these ideas into our existence and it simply becomes the way we see the world and ourselves. These beliefs are usually intact by the time we are seven years old.
In order to be more aware of our subconscious thinking we have to know which beliefs are limiting our lives. Even if your life is good right now and your business is doing well, there is so much more that awaits you as you become more aware of your thinking.
This process can take hours or even weeks of reflection. Take your time and be curious to investigate your past. It provides information about attitudes and beliefs that you may or may not continue to hold today. Positive, as well as negative memories are equally as significant.
Here are some examples of limiting beliefs. Check the ones that resonate with you.
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I wanted to share a story that seemed very appropriate as it echoes my sentiments about YOU!
Twenty Dollars (author unknown)
A well known speaker started off his seminar by holding up a $20 bill. In the room of 200, he asked. “Who would like this $20 bill?”
Hands started going up. He said, “I am going to give this $20 to one of you – but first, let me do this.”
He proceeded to crumple the 20 dollar note up. He then asked. “Who still wants it?” Still the hands were up in the air.
“Well,” he replied, “what if I do this?” He dropped it on the ground and started to grind it into the floor with his shoe. He picked it up, now crumpled and dirty. “Now, who still wants it?”
Still the hands went into the air.
“My friends, you have all learned a very valuable lesson. No matter what I did to the money, you still wanted it because it did not decrease in value. It was still worth $20.”
Many times in our lives, we are dropped, crumpled, and ground into the dirt by the decisions we make and the circumstances of our life. We may feel worthless or undeserving; yet no matter what happened or what will happen, we will never lose our value.
Dirty or clean, crumpled or finely creased, we are still priceless to those who love us and to GOD. The worth of our lives comes, not in what we do or who we know, but by …WHO WE ARE.
You are very precious! Please remember that….
P.S. If you would like more support in turning gratitude into personal success, give us a call. In between our speaking and coaching engagements, we carve out a few individualized sessions each month. Schedule your appointment here.